Thursday, December 1, 2011

Laugh often, dream big, reach for the stars

Pas dulu masih kecil cota2 gw jd dokter, pilot dan aktor. Profesi yg saling bertentangan kan ya. Tapi semakin kita bertambah dewasa dan semakin kita mendapat banyak pengalaman hidup, semakin kita mengerti apa yang kita inginkan.

And for that matter, i already give up my dream as a doctor or pilot. Soalnya jujur aja pas kuliah di Biologi aja mumetnya udah ampun2an, apalagi klo lw pelajarin badan manusia yg ruwetnya bukan main. Kalau jd pilot, hmmpphh kekna kemarin aja pas flight ke Padang terus tiba2 turbulence due to bad weather, langsung perut verasa geli2 gitu. So i gave up those dreams and try to focus in my last dream, hmmm mungkin agak sedikit gw perluas karena kekna yg gw jalanin sekarang mostly mengarah ke Entertainer. I sure do happy for making people laugh, dan kerjaan gw sebagai MC sebenernya ud bs menjembatani gw ke cita2 mulia gw tersebut. Cuma ya itu, living in a real world means u have to compromise with certain thing in ir life such as financial condition. dan hal itulah yg belum bs bikin gw berani untuk ngejalanin pekerjaan sebagai MC fulltimer (yes, i'm working in the office from mon to fri, and be an MC on weekend or holidays).

Selain ngeMC, gw jg pengen bgt jd model. Oke, gw sendiri pun ketawa dalam hati pas ngomong gini. Biiim, lw tuh pendekar alias pendek. But still, deep down inside gw ngerasa i can do that. Posing in front of camera, striking pose in a runway, hell yeah i can do it better than those L-Men guys. Seperti apa yang Oprah bilang:
"The big secret in life is that there is no big secret. Whatever your goal, you can get there if you're willing to work"

So time to set up myself to higher target, sambil nyiapin resolusi 2012. Smangaaaaaattt!!!

Bim, strike-a-pose

Moving On...

Whew! It seems a long time i haven't write anything in this blog. Same old story: forgot the account and the password. Perlu waktu buat gw untuk inget2 ini pake account yg mana ya. Dan begitu ud tau account yg mana, eh skrg lupa passwordnya yg mana ya? Things like that happened often in our life, if only we can simplify things, life would be great. XOXO, Bim, need-to-write-down-all-accounts-and-passwords